Martes, Hulyo 16, 2013

Trivia About Computer

Domain Name Extensions and Meanings


.edu...........................educational and research

.gov..................................................government organizations

.mil............................................military agency

.net...........................................gateway or host

.org..............................non-profit organization

Computers only understand two digits, 0 and 1. This base two math is known as Binary. 1 represents on and 0 is off. When you type the letter M on your keyboard, it is translated to the Binary code of, 01001101. Every letter, number, pixel you see on your monitor is a binary set of 1's and 0's
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The term "Hypertext" was coined in 1965 by Ted Nelson who used it to describe the multimedia system he proposed called "Xanadu"
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The largest network on earth, the Internet, started in 1969 with four nodes installed at the University of California-Los Angeles, the University of Califorina-Santa Barbera, the Stanford Research Institute, and the University of Utah
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A Bit stands for "Binary Digit" a Bit can hold only one of two values 0 or 1. A Byte is composed of 8 consecutive bits
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The word "boot" or "booting" comes from the concept of bootstrapping, or pulling oneself up by the bootstraps. Before PC's, computer operators would run a program called the bootstrap loader. This loader did the initialization that is now automatic. The process became known as bootstrapping and later booting
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There are 18 million lines of code in Windows 98
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The fastest computer in the world is the CM-5 "thinking machine" at the Los Alamos National Labratories, USA. It can perform 131 billion operations per second
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The two main components in IT (Information Technology) are hardware and software. But there is also a lesser known ‘grey’ component. This is the software that is stored in hardware and cannot be modified easily. It is known as ‘firmware’
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Most Central Processing Units (CPU’s) are sold as a bit slower than they actually run. By over-clocking them you can get them to run faster
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The first micro-processor was the 4004, Intel had originally designed it for a calculator and no one had any idea to what it would lead
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Lunes, Hulyo 15, 2013

Filipino Trivia


First "Filipinos"
The term Filipino originally referred exclusively to Spaniards and Spanish mestizos born in the Philippines. Espanoles-Filipinos -- children of Espana and Filipinas -- was how they specifically called themselves. Later the native upper class of indios ("uncivilized heathens") and Chinese mestizos, believing that education and wealth gave them the cloak of Spanish culture, also began calling themselves Filipinos.
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The term Pilipinas, as distinguished from Filipinas, made its first public appearance in a stamp issued during the Japanese Occupation of Manila in World War II. Not until 1962 did the Philippine government make a similar change from Filipinas to Pilipinas in officially describing the nation
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First Filipino - or Filipina?
Was the first Filipino a man or a woman?
The oldest human relics in the Philippines were discovered in Tabon Cave, Palawan, in 1962. The most important find was a fragment of a rather thick skull with a sloping forehead and wide, heavy bones. The jaws and the back of the head were missing, but subsequent carbon tests and ethic studies led to the general conclusion that the skull belonged to a small, slight human, a "Negritoid" who had lived about 22,000 years ago. Further tests gave the impression that the skullcap belonged to a woman.
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The typical Filipino breakfast is not tapsilog (tapa, sinangag and itlog). It's kankamtuy: kanin, kamatis and tuyo.
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Linggo, Hulyo 14, 2013

Trivia About Love

Red roses are the most popular flower to give as a romantic gift. Although they may all look the same to the untrained eye, there are actually more than 900 different varieties of red rose.

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The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

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Historically, sweat has been an active ingriedient in perfume and love portions

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The most beautiful and incredible gift of love is the Taj Mahal in India. Built by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan as a memorial to his wife, it took almost twenty two years to build and required the labor of 20,000 workers from all over India and Central Asia

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Love can excert the same stresses on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses: pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate

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Since ancient Greece, the apple has been a symbol of love. The Celts believed that the apple represented love because it lasted so long after being picked

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The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day

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In the 20th century scientists from Baltimore stated that during a kiss people exchange about 278 different kinds of bacteria, 95% of which are harmless

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Engagement rings are often worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because the ancient Greeks maintained that that finger contains the vena amoris, sometimes known as the 'vein of love', that runs straight to the heart

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Every Valentine's Day, the Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives hundreds of letters addressed to Juliet

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73 percent of people who buy flowers for Valentine's Day are men, while only 27 percent are women

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Red signifies strong feelings and the red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love 

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