Martes, Hulyo 16, 2013

Trivia About Computer

Domain Name Extensions and Meanings


.edu...........................educational and research

.gov..................................................government organizations

.mil............................................military agency

.net...........................................gateway or host

.org..............................non-profit organization

Computers only understand two digits, 0 and 1. This base two math is known as Binary. 1 represents on and 0 is off. When you type the letter M on your keyboard, it is translated to the Binary code of, 01001101. Every letter, number, pixel you see on your monitor is a binary set of 1's and 0's
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The term "Hypertext" was coined in 1965 by Ted Nelson who used it to describe the multimedia system he proposed called "Xanadu"
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The largest network on earth, the Internet, started in 1969 with four nodes installed at the University of California-Los Angeles, the University of Califorina-Santa Barbera, the Stanford Research Institute, and the University of Utah
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A Bit stands for "Binary Digit" a Bit can hold only one of two values 0 or 1. A Byte is composed of 8 consecutive bits
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The word "boot" or "booting" comes from the concept of bootstrapping, or pulling oneself up by the bootstraps. Before PC's, computer operators would run a program called the bootstrap loader. This loader did the initialization that is now automatic. The process became known as bootstrapping and later booting
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There are 18 million lines of code in Windows 98
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The fastest computer in the world is the CM-5 "thinking machine" at the Los Alamos National Labratories, USA. It can perform 131 billion operations per second
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The two main components in IT (Information Technology) are hardware and software. But there is also a lesser known ‘grey’ component. This is the software that is stored in hardware and cannot be modified easily. It is known as ‘firmware’
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Most Central Processing Units (CPU’s) are sold as a bit slower than they actually run. By over-clocking them you can get them to run faster
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The first micro-processor was the 4004, Intel had originally designed it for a calculator and no one had any idea to what it would lead
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